Jwaneng Saving And Credit Society - Botswana
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Company name
Jwaneng Saving And Credit Society
PLOT 2773, CBD,OLD BARCLAYS HOUSE, P.O.Box 2232, Jwaneng, Botswana
Contact number
+267 588 3023
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Jwaneng Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (SACCOS) was formed in 1989 by Jwaneng Mine Workers to provide banking needs for Batswana who could not afford to use commercial banks. Later on, it registered as an independent Society on the 31st May 1991 through the Co-operative Societies Act (Cap 42:03).
“We aspire to be the leading co-operative business in the
SADC region”
“To play a leading role in the upliftment of the quality of life of members and staff by providing innovative financial solutions”
To encourage members to save regularly.
To offer a safe guard for money.
To build up funds for future needs.
To provide low- cost loans to members.
To encourage careful management of money as a resource
This is an association of people united voluntarily to meet their common economic and social needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise or business.
A SACCOS is a member owned financial cooperative whose primary objective is to mobilize savings and afford member access to loans on competitive terms as a way of enhancing their socio-economic wellbeing.
It is an organization owned by people living in one area or working together. E.g. Mine workers, farmers.
“We aspire to be the leading co-operative business in the
SADC region”
“To play a leading role in the upliftment of the quality of life of members and staff by providing innovative financial solutions”
To encourage members to save regularly.
To offer a safe guard for money.
To build up funds for future needs.
To provide low- cost loans to members.
To encourage careful management of money as a resource
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and to develop a sense of solidarity and co-operation between members.This is an association of people united voluntarily to meet their common economic and social needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise or business.
A SACCOS is a member owned financial cooperative whose primary objective is to mobilize savings and afford member access to loans on competitive terms as a way of enhancing their socio-economic wellbeing.
It is an organization owned by people living in one area or working together. E.g. Mine workers, farmers.
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