Mashatu Tent Camp - Tuli Block, Botswana
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Hotel name
Mashatu Tent Camp
Lentswelemoriti, Tuli Block, Botswana
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Working hours
- Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
- Sunday: 06:00 - 22:00
E-mail address
Company description
Mashatu Tent Camp is the leisure choice for the guest seeking the ultimate one-on-one bush experience and who prefers a more intimate environment. Listen to the symphony of the night—a chorus of hyenas, leopards, and lions—right outside your door.
Eight completely private tents are tucked under the branches of enormous trees, accessible via meandering pathways. The tents themselves are spacious, comfortable and large enough that there’s no need to duck to get around. Each is mounted on a raised platform and has its own private outdoor en-suite facilities, including W.C. and shower.
Instant camaraderie is the norm at this unique camp. Meal times are shared either in the open-air thatched gazebo, or in the boma (enclosure) overlooking the floodlit, well-populated waterhole. The
The sturdy and shaded hide also overlooks the waterhole, where bush enthusiasts can sit quietly and witness animals going about their day, completely unaware that they are being watched. It is humbling indeed to be an observer, to be part of the perfect, natural world.
Please note that air-conditioning and heating is not available at Mashatu Tent Camp.
Eight completely private tents are tucked under the branches of enormous trees, accessible via meandering pathways. The tents themselves are spacious, comfortable and large enough that there’s no need to duck to get around. Each is mounted on a raised platform and has its own private outdoor en-suite facilities, including W.C. and shower.
Instant camaraderie is the norm at this unique camp. Meal times are shared either in the open-air thatched gazebo, or in the boma (enclosure) overlooking the floodlit, well-populated waterhole. The
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camp’s plunge pool invites guests to cool off and escape the heat of the summer months.The sturdy and shaded hide also overlooks the waterhole, where bush enthusiasts can sit quietly and witness animals going about their day, completely unaware that they are being watched. It is humbling indeed to be an observer, to be part of the perfect, natural world.
Please note that air-conditioning and heating is not available at Mashatu Tent Camp.
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