4 the stars - Ramotswa, Botswana
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4 the stars
South-East, Ramotswa, Botswana
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1-10Company description
4 the Stars is the first online domain registration store owned by a Motswana from Botswana. We are a GoDaddy Reseller and have differentiated ourselves from our competitors by providing cutting-edge hosting services to people in underdeveloped areas. We also offer additional services through Hosting Fellas, our Liquidnet Reseller store. Our web hosting plans provide ample hard drive space and traffic allocations, domain name registration and transfer options, modern Domain and Email Managers, multi-website hosting capabilities, and free extras such as a 1-click web applications installer and web site builder. All hosting accounts can be managed through our hosting Control Panel.
We provide our customers with 24x7 online and offline (Botswana only at the moment, but we plan to expand
Our web hosting services provide small and mid-sized companies with the opportunity to make money with their sites. Having an Internet presence allows businesses and individuals to take advantage of the World Wide Web. Our excellent 24/7 customer care service helps ensure our customers have a smooth web
We provide our customers with 24x7 online and offline (Botswana only at the moment, but we plan to expand
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our reach) technical support service, either through us or Godaddy or Liquidnet. We strive to provide the world with customer-oriented domain registration, web hosting and security services, with customer support playing a key role. We want to reach more businesses and individuals in the underdeveloped world, and we already have a few customers in Botswana. However, we lack the funds to market our services to a wider audience.Our web hosting services provide small and mid-sized companies with the opportunity to make money with their sites. Having an Internet presence allows businesses and individuals to take advantage of the World Wide Web. Our excellent 24/7 customer care service helps ensure our customers have a smooth web
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