Denmen (Pty) Ltd - Gaborone, Botswana
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Listing - +5Years
With Us
Company name
Denmen (Pty) Ltd
P O Box 41007, Gaborone, Botswana
Contact number
Mobile phone
267 318 7844
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 0800-1700hrs
- Tuesday: 0800-1700hrs
- Wednesday: 0800-1700hrs
- Thursday: 0800-1700hrs
- Friday: 0800-1700hrs
- Saturday: 0800hrs-1300hrs
- Sunday: closed
Company manager
Donald SenthufheEstablishment year
6-10Registration code
BW00000406358VAT registration
NILE-mail address
Company description
Denmen (Pty) Ltd is a strategy consulting firm that focuses on development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of business development programs. Specifically, our work involves helping clients to streamline their sales activities in order to enhance sales performance, identify new sales opportunities and develop comprehensive market penetration strategies that aid the organization's sales efforts.
Our mission is to help clients realize their potential for business success through improved ability to sell more of their products and services. We do so by conducting extensive audits of the client's existing business development programs, with the aim of identifying bottlenecks that impede high performance. The audit reveals performance gaps which then become the foundation upon
We work with startups, Sme's and medium size companies in diverse sectors of the economy like manufacturing, distribution & retail, service industry, etc. We also work with not for profit organizations such as NGOs, religious bodies, learning institutions and some sections of the public sector. Our other services include hosting business events and providing motivational speaking services.
Our mission is to help clients realize their potential for business success through improved ability to sell more of their products and services. We do so by conducting extensive audits of the client's existing business development programs, with the aim of identifying bottlenecks that impede high performance. The audit reveals performance gaps which then become the foundation upon
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which successive strategic responses are anchored.We work with startups, Sme's and medium size companies in diverse sectors of the economy like manufacturing, distribution & retail, service industry, etc. We also work with not for profit organizations such as NGOs, religious bodies, learning institutions and some sections of the public sector. Our other services include hosting business events and providing motivational speaking services.
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