1 Review
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Company name
Maphomola Ward, P.O. Box: 80, Tonota, Botswana
Contact number
+267 248 5849
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Company description
Traditionally, the tribal Chiefs were responsible for administering tribal land in Botswana . In 1968, Land Boards were created under the Tribal Land Act. The Land Boards started operating in 1970. At the time of their creation, Land Boards were administratively headed by the Council Secretaries thereby seen as Surbodinate to District Councils.

With the increasing work loads and responsibilities of the Land Boards, Surbodinate Land Boards were established in 1973, to decentralize the services of the Land Boards and place them closer to the people. However, in 1989 the Land Boards became independent and today there are twelve Land Boards and thirty-seven Surbodinate Land Boards.

They are mandated to ensure the wise use fair distribution of Land to all citizens and residents of Botswana in allocation of Land for residential, commercial, Industrial and Agricultural purposes.


1 Review
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Bad customer experience
Change of ownership> how long does an applicant have to wait inorder to have his request attended to. I submitted my application in June and up to now no answer. I have called their office occasionally on a follow up routine and quite frankly, up to now I have not heard from them... I called again today and got terrible reception from a certain man who cut me off before I could make my case known to him. Surely is this how your office treats it’s customers? This is unacceptable conduct and behavior and leaves a lot to be said about the entire establishment

Questions & Answers

How far with 2003 May applications for Borolong
I applied for a plot in Borolong village in 2006 and I am confirming when are we going to be allocated the plot since is more than 12 years now.
Applied for a plot in 2002 and 2006 in Tonota i wasn't in the list when i check my name in waiting list what happened or my application was lost intentionally?

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