Mokolodi Trading Company (Pty) Ltd - Gaborone, Botswana
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Company name
Mokolodi Trading Company (Pty) Ltd
Plot 68317, Phakalane, Gaborone, Botswana
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Working hours
- Monday: 7hh00 -17h00
- Tuesday: 7hh00 -17h00
- Wednesday: 7hh00 -17h00
- Thursday: 7hh00 -17h00
- Friday: 7hh00 -17h00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager Glen Ansell
Establishment year 2003
Employees 101-200
Registration code UIN BW00000763415
VAT registration C00220601111
E-mail address
Company description
MTC Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd , is the holding company for Wonder Rock Enterprises (Pty) Ltd & Blitz Concrete (Pty) Ltd . It is a wholly owned citizen company trading in the supply and manufacture of all precast concrete products for the Civil Engineering , Building , Commercial and domestic products .
We design , manufacture and supply the largest range of precast concrete products in Botswana , with our infrastrutural products carrying the SABS / SANS mark .
Our factory is based in Phakalane Industrial , Gaborone , Botswana .
We design , manufacture and supply the largest range of precast concrete products in Botswana , with our infrastrutural products carrying the SABS / SANS mark .
Our factory is based in Phakalane Industrial , Gaborone , Botswana .
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Products & Services (60)
- Precast Concrete Bricks , Pavers & kerbsPrecast concrete - stock bricks , pavers , decorative paving & cladding , kerbs & all ancillary prod...
- Precast Concrete Infrastructure products .Precast concrete , culverts , culvert bases , IJ & RJ pipes , manholes , kerbs , SVP , down chutes ,...
- Wonder Rock Decorative Paving & CladdingA comprehensive range of precast concrete ,cobbles , flagstone , paving and cladding products in var...
- PRECAST CONCRETE IJ (OGEE) PIPESPrecast Stormwater pipes from 300mm to 1500 mm diameter . SABS/SANSPRICE: +/ P400 /m
- PRECAST CONCRETE RJ PIPES - STORM WATER & SEWERConcrete RJ pipes + sacrificial linings for sewers . SABS/ SANS .PRICE: +/ P400 /m
- PRECAST CONCRETE JACKED PIPESPrecast Concrete jacked pipes , IWJ , in the wall jacking pipes . SANS / SABSPRICE: P1500/m
- PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLESPrecast Concrete manholes and ancillaries . SABS / SANS .PRICE: +/- P 250
- PRECAST CONCRETE NEW JERSEY BARRIERSConcrete road tested barriers , various types & sizes available .PRICE: +/- P1600
- PRECAST CONCRETE RETAINING WALL BLOCKSConcrete retaining wall blocks for all types of embankments , roads & bridges .PRICE: P90
- PRECAST CONCRETE CULVERTS & BASE SLABSConcrete culverts & base slabs in all standard sizes. SABS / SANSPRICE: P500
- PRECAST CONCRETE PARAPETS - BRIDGE DECKSConcrete parapet barriers for bridges etc .PRICE: P1450
- PRECAST CONCRETE COPINGSConcrete copings for walls etc . Various sizes available .PRICE: P182
- PRECAST CONCRETE PIER CAPSConcrete pier caps for walls available in various sizesPRICE: P120
- PRECAST CONCRETE WINDOW CILLSConcrete window cills available in various sizes & shapes .PRICE: P190
- PRECAST CONCRETE MARKER POSTSConcrete marker posts , available in various types to clients requirements .PRICE: P300
- PRECAST CONCRETE BOLLARDSConcrete Bollards available in various sizes including exposed aggregate concrete finish .PRICE: P250
- PRECAST CONCRETE KERBSConcrete kerbs in various sizes from Fig 1 to Fig 20 .PRICE: P60
- PRECAST CONCRETE MINE , INCLINED SHAFT LINERSConcrete mine shaft liners to suit dimensions .PRICE: P3300
- PRECAST CONCRETE MEDIAN DRAINSConcrete median drains for roads & highways .PRICE: P500
- PRECAST CONCRETE STORM WATER INLETSConcrete storm water inlets for roads , available in various types & sizesPRICE: P2800
- PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS FOR WAREHOUSESConcrete panels for warehouses , storage & complexes, quick & easy to install . Good insulation and ...
- PRECAST CONCRETE BOUNDARY WALLSConcrete posts and slats boundary walls . Can be pre-coloured to avoid painting & maintenance .PRICE: P450
- PRECAST CONCRETE RAILWAY SLEEPERSConcrete railway sleepers to latest specification .PRICE: P950
- PRECAST CONCRETE GRASS BLOCKSGo green , concrete grass blocks for paving in all areas and slope protection .PRICE: P89
- PRECAST CONCRETE MINI SUB BASESConcrete mini sub bases to suit equipment .PRICE: P3450
- PRECAST CONCRETE TABLE TENNIS UNITSConcrete table tennis units for outdoors , to olympic standards .PRICE: P8500
- PRECAST CONCRETE RAIN WATER CHANNELSConcrete channels in various sizes for all rain water applicationsPRICE: P250
- PRECAST CONCRETE POLES & MASTSConcrete poles and mast for street lighting , power reticulation , railway masts , etc .PRICE: P5000
- PRECAST CONCRETE DOG BONE SLABSConcrete dog bone slabs in various sizes to suit channels for drainage .PRICE: P80
- PRECAST CONCRETE EXPOSED AGGREGATE PRODUCTSNumerous products available , bollards (different shapes& sizes ) litter bins , ash trays , benches ...
- PRECAST CONCRETE TREE RINGSConcrete tree rings supplied in 2 halves to protect paving and structures from tree roots .PRICE: P500
- PRECAST CONCRETE BREEZE BLOCKSConcrete breeze blocks for decorative walls and ventilation .PRICE: P75
- PRECAST CONCRETE NEW JERSEY BARRIERSTo Road standards with crash testing . Various types & sizes .PRICE: P3300
- PRECAST CONCRETE ROAD SIDE FURNITUREConcrete road side furniture used on all roads and commercial - domestic uses .PRICE: P4500
- PRECAST CATTLE TROUGHS - FEEDERSConcrete cattle - livestock feeders and water points . Durable , life span 100 years .PRICE: P1250
- PRECAST CONCRETE DIAGRIDSRectangular structural triangular concrete diagrid frames . BDC Building , Gaborone .PRICE: P20000
- PRECAST CONCRETE X-RAY STRUCTURESConcrete X-Ray structures for BURS at Botswana Border posts .PRICE: P16m
- PRECAST CONCRETE TABLE TENNIS OUTDOOR PRODUCTOutdoor table tennis , easily installed , durable life expectancy 100 years . Can be relocated to s...
- PRECAST CONCRETE TRAFFIC LIGHT PROTECTIONPrecast concrete unit supplied in 2 halves and simply installed to traffic lights & street lights to...
- PRECAST CONCRETE STANDARD OR COLOURED WINDOW CILLSPrecast concrete window in various types & sizes to suit client requirements . Can be impregnated w...
- PRECAST CONCRETE JACKING PIPESVarious jacked pipes sizes avaible , with lead pipes & intermediates .PRICE: P2500/m
- PRECAST RETAINING WALL BLOCKSPrecast concrete retaining wall blocks can be utilised as structural or decorative products . For Ci...
- PRECAST CONCRETE TABLE TENNIS OUTDOOR PRODUCTConcrete table tennis units which can be used by schools , sports complexes , domestic , etc . The ...
- DUST SUPPRESSION FOR ROADSA system widely utilised on sand roads and ancillary areas by mines , municipalities , commercial , ...
- STORMWATER CATCHPITS FOR ROADSStandard precast system utilised worldwide for stormwater .PRICE: P500
- ROAD V DRAINS & CHANNELSUtilised on roads and bypasses to channel stormwater .PRICE: P250/m
- CONCRETE SILLAGE FEEDER UNITS - CATTLE FEEDERSPrecast concrete sillage feeders can be used as cattle feeders for water or feeding troughs . Can b...
- PRECAST STOCK BRICKSConcrete Stock bricks high quality 24 Mpa .PRICE: P1.35 ea
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