Pula Dental Clinic - Gaborone, Botswana
Pula Dental Clinic
5.01 Review
Company name
Pula Dental Clinic
Plot 17533 Hemamo Centre, Unit 7 BBS Mall., P.O.Box 403025, Gaborone, Botswana
Contact number
+267 318 8685
Listed in categories
Pula Dental ClinicPlot 17533 Hemamo Centre, Unit 7 BBS Mall., P.O.Box 403025+267 317 0630https://www.localbotswana.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
my child has been attending services there and i have been happy.
even the reception is very good when you make appointment by phone.
even the reception is very good when you make appointment by phone.
Questions & Answers
How much does it cost to remove a tooth??
How much does it cost to remove a tooth??
Names of dentists and founder of Pula dental clinic?
How much do you charge to do braces
Do you do braces?if so hw much are they?
How much does it cost to replace 1 front teeth?
How much does it cost to replace a tooth
How much does it cost to get braces for adults and if i have the bopmas high benefit does it pay the cost?and i hear we pay 10% with the medical aid so how much will that be and do i pay once or each time i change my braces?
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